
11 Jun 19 Profile option: “INV: Restrict Receipt of Serials”

If you enable the profile option, then you cannot receive the serial number through purchase order receipt, miscellaneous receipt, or account alias receipt, if that ...

19 Feb 16 Oracle EBS Serial Number’s Status Codes and Descriptions

Status Codes (ID and Description)  --------------------- 1 Defined but not used 3 Resides in stores 4 Issued out of stores 5 Resides in intransit 6 Pending status 7 Resides in receiving 8 Resides ...

17 May 15 Pending Transactions SQL’s for closing inventory periods

17 Mar 15 The Function Is Not Available Under The Responsibility

The Function Is Not Available Under The Responsibility(Doc ID 454285.1) You must control your menu. select * from Fnd_Compiled_Menu_Functions a where menu_id = &menu_id

04 Dec 14 Oracle EBS Profile Values for any level

If you get curios which level has a profile value, that's the answer. SELECT SUBSTR (E.PROFILE_OPTION_NAME, 1, 25) PROFILE_NAME, SUBSTR (POT.USER_PROFILE_OPTION_NAME, 1, 60) USER_PROFILE_NAME, DECODE (A.LEVEL_ID, 10001, 'Site', 10002, 'Application', 10003, ...

22 May 13 You do not have a license for “Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Discrete Manufacturing”

If you have ' You do not have a license for "Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Discrete Manufacturing" ' issue when you want to use ...

28 Dec 10 Fundamentals of Preventive Maintenance Schedule Definition with Oracle eAM

An Oracle White Paper September 2010 You can download the white paper with the below link.

20 Jul 09 Oracle Audit

Audit İçin yapılması gerekenler Audit yapılması gereken alanın hangi tabloda olduğu bulunduktan sonra aşağıdaki SQL ile hangi applicationa ait olduğuna bakılır.

04 Mar 09 Organizasyonlar Arası Transfer

Screen clipping taken: 04.02.2009; 16:03 "Internal Order Required" tikli ise sadece internal order açar. Organizasyonlar arası transfer işlemine izin vermez.